Friday, August 31, 2012

Why Constipated Pen?

CONSTIPATED PEN is the title of my site because I was  inspired by the writings of Bob Ong in one of his books. Are you familiar with "Stainless Longanisa?" I hope I spelled that correctly. This is my inspiration why I put "Constipated Pen" as the title of this blog. The book tackles about the hardships and perks of being a writer. Ever since, I have this vision to become a writer. But as I have said on my introduction, God will not give you everything. This is my frustration until now. I'm a teacher, but I will never ever forget my first love, and that is writing.

So why "Constipated Pen?"

I have a simple explanation for this. Constipation is when you want to release something within you, but you're having a hard time releasing it due to some circumstances. In my case, my constipation is on how to express myself. I have this knack of telling everyone how I feel and what I know, but I don't have an avenue in order for me to express it. It can be due to fear of rejection or of some sort but I always have a hard time in telling others what I really feel and think. The word "Pen" represents writing itself. Pen is said to be mightier than the sword. So I want to express through writing because I believe that it is the most powerful tool to express your emotions. 

I have the idea and I have the skill but I don't know how to express it. The germ of thought is always itching at the back of my mind, but when I have the opportunity to put it in writing, I always fail or sometimes, It will go away eventually. 

I made this blog site in order for me to create an avenue to cure this itch. This is also intended for me to release something and avoid constipation. I mean mind constipation. I'm doing this to keep me sane. As I have said, Self Expression keeps us sane and no one can hinder us to say what we really feel. Am I right?

1 comment:

  1. Guys, If you can see some errors, just tell me okay! I need that, As I have said, I want to conquer my fear of rejection :) thanks
